is probably one of the most common wrong acts that we carry out. Lying has been
around right from the onset of man’s existence from the Garden of Eden based on
religious theologians. It is said that lying is an unavoidable part of human
What is a lie?
is usually a form of deception. To lie means to make a believed false statement
to another person, with the intention that the other person believe that
statement to be true.
a lie has its unique characteristics
· A lie passes same information
The liar intends to mislead the other person
· The liar is convinced that what they are
saying is not true
the definition what makes a lie is that the liar has the intention of
deceiving the person they are lying to. This does point that, the lie has
nothing in relation to if the information given is true or false.
definition points out that not all lies are false or untrue, but the person
making the statement believes it to be false.
Case scenario 1
are at work and you want to leave earlier than the usual closing time which is
say 4:00pm to go for a swim but tell your superior that you got a call from
home that your child has been vomiting and stooling ……… you hit jackpot cause
it’s an emergency. On getting home around let say 7:00pm you then told about
how sick and near death experience your child has been experiencing throughout
the day.
also see that statements that are false may not be a lie, if the person making
the statement does not believe it to be false.
definition also shows that not all lies are untrue, but the person believes
that the statement is false.
example of this is when you are supposed to go see a judge in his office by
your boss. It happens that you forget to do that and when asked if you have
gone to the office you say that you went but he was not at work that day.
Thereafter, it happens that the judge has not been in his office for a week.
case where this definition covers, it’s nobody gets deceived because they know
you will always tell a lie.
what comes to your mind maybe someone who never says the truth, ever met such
person before, I think I have done so.
Lying and statement
philosophers believe that lying is a statement of some sort. They propose that
the liar must actually speak, or write or gesture e.g. nodding one’s head in
response to a question.
stretch the definition to do nothing or remain silent in response to a
question, knowing that these tactics will deceive the questioner.

we can see that lying is something that cuts across each part of our lives,
thus there shouldn’t be any doubt while it’s been around for a long time. Ever
told a lie before you would have supported one of the characters of self-deceit,
a false statement, double life above true statement or misleading someone.
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