The Security force
This group is quite large in the country. It includes the Police whom I think is on top of the chain, mobile court, Road Safety officers to name a few. This sect of people in carrying out their duties sometimes miss the mark. In some instance they are seen harassing a driver who may be at fault, extorting seems to be their logo, a strange scenario is when they issue out numbers after collecting the money from the driver.
Sometimes I wonder if these people have a license. They kind of mimic the security officer in some ways. They get agitated if the driver does not pay them from his daily earnings, some go to the extent of seizing the driver keys since they are in group, damaging a part of the vehicle, sometimes they inflict injury on the driver or most times his conductor if the vehicle is a bus.

There is a saying that as driver on the road, you are the only sane person, every other person is mad. The madness from the other person driving alongside, comes out most times when the vehicle is smashed by another driver, then you see rage of different level.
This negative influences from these factors kill the zeal and happiness of the driver. What other challenge do you think the driver faces? Your thoughts are welcomed.
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