The year 2017 only has a few days before it becomes history. Sadly one thing it will be remembered for is been the year which saw long serving Robert Mugabe vacate the presidential seat. One of his legacy which will be in our mind are his quotes. Therefore, we will take a flashback to some of his quotes that is funny and has wisdom in it.
- ''How do you convince the upcoming generation that education is the key to success when we are surrounded by poor graduates and rich criminals''.
- ''Respect pregnant women because its not easy walking around with evidence that you had sex''.
- ''Treat every part of your towel nicely because the part that wipes your buttocks today will wipe your face tomorrow''.
- ''No condition is permanent. Even a new generator which sounds like Celine Dion, will one day sound like Shatta Wale''.
- ''Its hard to bewitch African girls these days. Each time you take a piece of her hair to a Witch doctor, either an innocent Brazilian woman gets hurt or a factory in India catches fire''.
- ''Africans have no time to rest even after dying, they have to work as ancestors''.
- ''Some of you girls can't even jog for 5 minutes but expect a guy to last in bed with you for 2hrs''.
- ''The brain is the most outstanding organ, it works for 24hrs a day, 365 days a year, right from birth until you fall in love, then the foolishness starts''.
- ''Cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled in a piece of paper with fire on one end and the fool on the other end''.
- ''Any man who successfully convinces a monkey that honey is sweeter than banana, is capable of selling condoms to a Roman father''.

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